WSPA was born out of the desire that humane societies and animal welfare organizations should work together. Here in Canada, our members include the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, the Animal Defence League of Canada, and many provincial humane societies.
For over 25 years, WSPA has striven to protect, rescue and care for animals. A hands-on network of animal protection professionals, WSPA field teams often go where other organizations can't or won't. Our leadership in the animal protection field has earned us consultative status with the United Nations Economic-Social Council and the Council of Europe.
WSPA does so much for the welfare of animals, and you can help too. They have many online petitions and letters you can send to your designated parliament members. Many online actions help animals in other countries, but there are some campaigns for Canada as well. Such as trying to change our animal transport laws, and trying to increase animal protection by passing and enforcing legislation on animal abuse. See below:
The dog in the picture above was nicknamed 'Lucky' because he narrowly escaped death. His neck and back were broken, he was also malnourished, dehydrated and covered in bed sores. The perpetrator received a $50 fine. © Ontario SPCA
"It's been one year since Parliament amended Canada's animal cruelty laws to increase the jail time and other penalties for animal abuse. Recent headlines show that little has changed.
Offenders and their lawyers continue to exploit flaws and loopholes in the law to get off with a mere slap on the wrist or no penalty at all. The burden of proof that Crown Attorneys, police and SPCA investigators must meet in order to successfully prosecute these crimes is too high since it's virtually impossible to prove that the cruelty was 'wilful' in its intent and 'unnecessary'.
We need modern legislation now.
We need the government of Canada to pass modern and enforceable legislation that protects all animals from cruelty and abuse. Animals matter to Canadians - it's time to reflect this in our laws" -WSPA
Please take a moment to send a letter to the Minister of Justice, Rob Nicholson, as he has the authority to strengthen the animal cruelty provisions in the Criminal Code.
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