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Monday, October 25, 2010

Fur and Leather

Fur and leather are found in abundance. People think of these items as high class products. When someone says “Look at my shoes-they’re real leather”, everyone ‘oohs’ and ‘awes’ over them. I used to be the same way. I thought, wow, this purse is real leather-it MUST be good. I am so surprised how my own values have changed SO much. The plain fact is that fur is a dead animal….leather is dead animal skin. And think about it…how are all these leather products not rotting? Chemicals! SO many chemicals that are damaging the environment.
So now, if a salesperson says that the shoes are real leather I am disgusted and ask for something else. My choices are not limited though. There are tons of alternatives out there!

If we all knew where fur and leather comes from, and how the animals are treated I know people would change their habits. To get fur, many animals are improperly stunned and are skinned alive. So many experience pain and unnecessary torture.
In this video Eva Mendes talks about her fur experience with PETA and how she now questions everything after becoming involved with animal rights. She makes a valid point. Think about where your products are coming from, and how they got there-before you buy them.

These caged animals should be running in their natural environments that cover kilometers of space. These are WILD animals. They shouldn’t be mistreated and starved before being killed a horrible death. I keep picturing my little Dexter in these conditions and it is unimaginable. These videos make me shed tears, and I get so upset. I pledge never to wear fur or leather again. There is nothing fashionable about the deaths of these animals.

Here are of couple videos about how and where all this fur and leather is coming from.
Do not click on these unless you are over 18 years of age. They are graphic.

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