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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Farm Sanctuary

What an incredible place. There are two farm in New York and one in California. Here, rescued farm animals from factory farms and slaughter houses live out their lives in peace. You can visit these sanctuaries...chill with the cows, dance with the chickens and play with the pigs. I can't wait to make a journey to one of these sanctuaries. They even have accommodations to stay for a night or two, help out with chores and just enjoy the company of the animals. Tyson and I are planning to go to the one in New York sometime.Have a look around the site. They have tons of rescue stories and links. They even have a program where you can adopt a farm animal (ex: a chicken is 120 dollars a year). I know what I want for Christmas :)!

You can also go to their media centre and check out some informative clips on factory farms. They also have some videos that are just plain fun and have some VERY cute animals playing around.

Check them out at

"Have you ever given a pig a belly rub… talked to a turkey… or kissed a cow? The critters at Farm Sanctuary love visitors as much as you will love our unique shelters.

Currently, Farm Sanctuary operates two shelters — a 175-acre farm in upstate New York and a 300-acre farm in northern California. Our shelters rescue, rehabilitate and provide lifelong care for hundreds of animals who have been rescued from stockyards, factory farms, and slaughterhouses. Here, the animals are given all the care and love needed to recover from a lifetime of abuse and neglect. All of the animals have nourishing food, spacious, clean barns, and acres of green, sunny pastures in which to roam".
Here is a video from the site. I love this story. A cow tagged for slaughter escapes her death and ends up in an Animal Care and Control centre--she is eventually taken in by the Farm Sanctuary. Seeing the teary reaction from the Animal-Center worker is very emotional. Sometimes it takes seeing the actual animal as a living creature to realize what they have to endure.

Go Maxine Go! Now she gets to live her life in peace :)

On the Farm Sanctuary site they also have a link called "Get Involved". It has some really neat ideas and even some small things you can do to help.

Jenna :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is such a sad/happy story. I have never heard of these animal sanctuaries..its great to know. You reminded me of a quote that I like “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”
    Mahatma Gandhi

    Keep up the great work Jenna..I love reading your posts!
