Follow me on my new exciting journey of becoming vegan!
This blog will feature recipes, tips, and links while letting you take a peek into the everyday life of a new vegan.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Take Action!

Animal Transportation

“Current legislation allows ruminants (cows, sheep & goats) to be transported for 52 hours without water, food and rest. Horses, chickens and pigs may be transported for 36 hours. The new legislation proposes that horses, pigs or other monogastric animals be transported for no longer than 8 hours and cattle, sheep, goats or other ruminants for no longer than 12 hours”.
-Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals

These times do not include the pre and post fasting times before and after transportation. Can you imagine a truckload of pigs in the heat and humidity we have now…going 52 hours without water! These numbers are outrageous, and they are among the longest in the industrialized world.

As Canadians, we have to come together and show we want these travel times to be reduced and animal transportation to be revised.

Please take 2 minutes to fill out the petition below and send to your MP. I have already received a response from my MP in the mail, saying he will take my letter into consideration. That’s just from ONE letter. Imagine if we all signed it.

If you want to take some action, click now.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy".

—Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929–1968)


  1. Jenna, I filled out the petition. You'll be proud of me I hardly eat red meat now, although I still eat chicken, fish and organic eggs. Thanks for all the great info! xox
