Follow me on my new exciting journey of becoming vegan!
This blog will feature recipes, tips, and links while letting you take a peek into the everyday life of a new vegan.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Why I became Vegan...

Hi everyone!

I wanted to create a blog where people could become informed about veganism, animal compassion and share new recipes and ideas. Becoming vegan was a very important choice in my life. I dabbled with the idea in university but never allowed myself to be fully informed about the animal cruelty that occurs for the food we eat (mostly because I knew if I did research about it, it would upset me). So like many people, I ignored what had been bothering me. I felt bad for animals and thought it was unjust that they suffered…but, I was still eating Big Macs and chowing down on BBQ’d steak. Not until recently did I see several segments on television concerning animals and our food that I decided it was time to educate myself on these matters.

After doing my research properly this time, I made the conscious decision to finally give up meat. You have to understand, that I do enjoy the taste of meat. It’s what I grew up with, it’s what I know. I have come to a realization though, that animals were dying because I thought it “Tasted” good. I love animals and would never want to cause harm to any living creature—so why was I eating them? I decided I am old enough now that I can sacrifice a hamburger for a veggie burger. I can go without the bacon on my salad or the chicken in my stir-fry. I can now feel sane that my food choices are saving a creature’s life.

I researched and discovered that the Earth provides us with all the protein and nutrients we need through beans, grains and vegetables. A vegan diet is one of the healthiest diets in the world. If I could consciously choose a healthy diet without meat...then why wouldn’t I?

I am proud to say that I no longer eat animals or their by-products. So far, I feel lighter, more energetic, more in touch with the Earth and at peace with my decisions. I can drive by cattle and feel happy because I know I am not going to see them on my plate. Grains and vegetables are easier for our body to digest than the heavy meat that sits in our system for days. My digestion has improved and my life feels back on track. Food has become an exciting part of my day. A meat free diet is exciting and forces you to try new things! I have yet to be bored with my new lifestyle….and this is something I am going to stick with for life. I only feel bad that I didn’t start this earlier.

Becoming Vegan is only the first step on my journey. It has inspired me to do more for the planet and innocent animals. This blog is another step in my quest to help people become informed about their food choices and gain perspective on what it’s like to be vegan. This blog is meant to be fun! It doesn’t matter whether you’re an omnivore, a vegetarian or a vegan- there will be no judgment here! I just want to help people to become aware and be happy with their informed food choices…and maybe try a new recipe or two :)

I hope you will help me along my voyage and please send me websites and information you have or may find along your journeys. I’m new at this too so hopefully we can all support and help each other along the way!

Jenna :)

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"
—Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist (1901–1978)


  1. Hey Jenna!

    Very impressed with your blog thus far. Very impressed with how you wrote it and explained everything. It also helps make things a lil clearer to me and as im sure it will to everyone else...may even change my thinking and actions over time as well. Love you lots and see you soon! Im proud of you!

    Love Tys

  2. EEEEEEEEEeee Jenna! I am so pumped, let's save the world, one happy cow/pig/chicken at a time :)

    Love ya!



  3. Hey Jenna,
    Great blog! I'll be sure to follow you and send you any information I find. I am interested in diet as well! So I am excited to see the recipes that you post.I have been doing alot of reading about diet from a hormonal/naturopathic perspective and your right there is a lot of learning! I'm excited that you are so passionate in this area and for all the growth you have and will experience through this process. Thank you for sharing your journey and I wish you the best of luck!
    Love you!
    P.S I added your blog to my favorites :D
    P.P.S If you ever need a helping hand in anything (animal rights issues etc) I am here!
