Follow me on my new exciting journey of becoming vegan!
This blog will feature recipes, tips, and links while letting you take a peek into the everyday life of a new vegan.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Truth Hurts...

Here comes the tough stuff. I am posting these videos because it is what made me become vegan. Yes, they are extremely hard to watch…but we can’t ignore the truth any longer. There’s no reason why these farm animals have to suffer. I think we all have that image of happy farmers and green pastures, and we try to ignore the facts. For example: Think about how many hamburgers the McDonalds closest to you would sell each day. Now think about all the other McDonalds in your area. Multiple that by thousands. Meat is in high demand. It needs to be produced quickly for a profit. I can’t stop thinking about all the chickens that must die each day for food cooperation’s like Swiss Chalet or KFC. Every time you eat, you are voting. You are increasing the demand for meat, and the farmers have to produce it. It’s one of the biggest industries on this planet.

“Earthlings”, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, is an in depth film about where our food comes from- but it also dives into seafood, animal experimentation and the selling of fur. Watching this was honestly one of the hardest things I have done…I couldn’t watch it all in one sitting because it was so overwhelming. But, after watching these movies, the images stay with me and keep me strong about my decisions. NO animal ever deserves to be treated inhumanely. I am posting part 3 of this movie because it demonstrates what our cows and pigs go through for your food-so if you can at least watch that, I think it will make a big impact on your decisions. The links to the other parts can be found on YouTube.
Warning: Viewer discretion is advised for these films. So do not watch unless you are over 18 years old.

Below is a short film called “Meet Your Meat”. It’s narrated by Alec Baldwin. It gives you, the consumer, a quicker overview on where your meat is coming from (if you are unable to watch “Earthlings”). If you can get all the nutrients you need from a vegetarian diet-then why wouldn’t you choose a diet that creates no harm to a living creature? We all love, why are we eating them? Is it because you don’t want to give up the taste of meat? Is it because you don’t want to change your lifestyle? Think about your meat and where it comes from next time you sit down to eat. I urge you to at least become informed and THEN make your decision.


  1. Jenna, Meet your Meant honestly changed my life. It made me think so much about all the HORRIFIC things that has to happen to MILLIONS of innocent animals. Animals who feel, love, care, and endure pain much like we humans. I started thinking, we dont do these disgusting things to humans, yet we are living creatures much like these animals. So I took my stand, and I will never eat a meal at the cost of the blood and suffering of a LIVING CREATURE ever again.
    I think your blog is a wonderful thing to raise awareness, which is what needs to happen.
    You are fantastic Jenna, Keep it up :) xoxo

  2. Thanks so much Deidra! That means a lot :)
    I think you are doing great too! Keep it up...and we'll have a meat free potluck soon :)
